The NextGen Electronic Health Record (EHR) software uses Microsoft's MS-SQL®
database as its data storage engine. ggXTech has worked with SQL databases since
the late 1970's. ggXTech has worked with the NextGen EMR / NextGen EHR
software's MS-SQL database which now includes more than 3000 tables since
2003. ggXTech thoroughly understands the NextGen EMR / NextGen EHR software
database's structure and functionality.
ggXTech frequently designs custom SQL stored procedures and user defined functions to accomplish tasks which are not possible
using the standard set of NextGen EMR / NextGen EHR software development utilities and tools.
ggXTech typically integrates custom stored procedures and functions into its template and report development to enhance
functionality, reduce development costs and increase code maintainability.
Some examples of ggXTech's use of custom SQL to enhance functionality and reduce development/cusomization costs include: